Project Management

A Professional Approach to Events

Jan Verhaar en Iris Eshel 9789462360716 | 3e druk, 2013


Click here for more information about the Dutch version of this publication.

Project management is characterised by systematic and integral control of the development process, from creative idea to concrete product. This book concentrates on the management of event projects. Events such as festivals, exhibitions, conferences, arts productions, sports events and company events draw a lot of attention. An initiative frequently ends in failure, because the funding cannot be finalised, deadlines are not met or budgets are exceeded. The professional approach of a project can prevent many problems. The Project Management method is very user-friendly and stands out by its direct applicability(numerous check lists, step-by-step plans and model contracts).

This book describes a concept of project management for general application, and the organisational, financial and planning aspects of a project. This third edition has been adapted regarding both the contents and the form that were altered in the Dutch version of the book Projectmanagement, the 8th edition by Jan Verhaar. Besides the obvious changes for this 3rd edition small changes and add-ons have been made throughout the entire book. In Part A, the chapters have been included which guide you through the methodology. In Part B you will learn using the step-by-step plan, with your own event or conference project. In Part C all of the chapters have been bundled together so that you can gain theoretical insight into the different techniques and models.


Project Management is written for students at College (undergraduate) or University (graduate) level, but can also be an invaluable guide or quick-reference book for professionals.


Jan Verhaar lectures Project Management at the Academy for Media and Entertainment Management at the INHolland University Campus in Haarlem (the Netherlands). Moreover, he is a management consultant, mediator (professional conflict mediator) and management trainer within his own consultancy firm MENS & ORGANISATIE, Agency for Project Management and Development Issues in Hoorn/Zwaag. 

Iris Eshel lectures Event and Project Management at the International Music Management department at INHolland University. Furthermore she trains professionals in the Events and Cultural Industry (Master in Event Management), and uses her skills and knowledge as advisor for the Festival Committee of the National Fund of Performing Arts in the Netherlands. Her major professional interest is training students and professionals by giving them a practical approach to Event Management.


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