Islamic Finance and the Influence of Religion on the Law

Rene Smits (redactie) 9789490947415 | 1e druk, 2012


This book contains the papers of the ILA panel on Islamic Finance and the Influence of Religion on the Law. First, the concept of Islamic finance is introduced, with the aim to foster a better understanding of Shar’ia compliant financial products and service providers. The second contribution discusses the wider issue that Islamic finance raises, namely the application of religion-based-law in multi-religious societies and in global transactions. The third contribution deals with the interface between law and religion from the perspective of religion in the wider context of striving for peace and justice, focusing on the economic approach shared by the monotheistic faiths and its application in Jewish law and practice.The last chapter covers Islamic finance and the financial crisis. The book also includes a bibliography.


Academics in Islamic law, academics in finance and religion.


Professor Smits is Chief Legal Council of the Dutch Competition Authority (NMa) in The Hague and has held the position of part-time professor of Law of the Economic and Monetary Union at the University of Amsterdam since 2000. Professor Smits is also a guest lecturer at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, University of London. Until 2001, Professor Smits was employed by the Netherlands Central Bank where he has been general counsel in the period leading to the introduction of the euro. Professor Smits specializes in European monetary law and financial sector regulation. In addition to his academic activities, Professor Smits is also engaged in several projects involving the interconnectedness of religions.


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